someone already updated Wikipedia's_Witnesses
someone already updated Wikipedia's_Witnesses
the following is a continuation of a letter written to my sister who needed surgery.
i hoped this would be an opportune time to raise the error of misinterpreting the handful of verses that they use to justify wanton suicide.
if you can think of any arguments that may be presented in an effort to rebuff the points made then please comment.
Well written, I was not aware of the changes in the 4-'s to 60's
but our situation is very difficult and quite high profile.... i was raised as a jw and my mother was very strict and abusive.
i got baptized at age 14.. my mother actually called on my (present) husband's mom in service.
she was on the initial call resulting in his mom coming in the truth and him being raised in it from about age 8 or 9.. despite a very abusive step-father, he followed his mom's lead and came into the truth.
I know you got as much support from the elders as you did from evil us, right? :)
there's a wide cross section of thinkers on this board, representing christian belief and non-belief and points in between, the agnostics.
there is most definitely a minority, mostly silent, of devoted jehovah's witnesses present, too, but their contribution to the dialogue and dynamic of the board is minimal.
that small minority aside, it can be said the people who venture into here to communicate with one another share a common paradigm, and that is the watchtower is built on a foundation of clay.
Designs, they can all believe what they wish. I believe in the great Flying Spaghetti Monster, but that doesn't make it true.
The plain truth is that "paradise earth" and many other JW catch phrases simply don't appear in the Bible. This should come as a shock to JWs, as it did to me.
some of you knows that i've been wanting to meet a man since i got divorced and left the borg 2,5 y ago.
i dated a lot and almost gave up.
i only met idiots!
When you are sure of something..... you will have no doubts.
It works for the anointed, LOL...
Newborn, no more advice from me, just best wishes
but our situation is very difficult and quite high profile.... i was raised as a jw and my mother was very strict and abusive.
i got baptized at age 14.. my mother actually called on my (present) husband's mom in service.
she was on the initial call resulting in his mom coming in the truth and him being raised in it from about age 8 or 9.. despite a very abusive step-father, he followed his mom's lead and came into the truth.
Your experiences unfortunately, are not uncommon.
I do highly suggest that you revisit why you wish to rejoin this abusive organization. I note that you have an issue with "apostates". May I suggest that you check the Bible to see where the term apostasy appears in connection with people leaving the Christian faith? (hint: there is no such text)
Jack Barr was the last of the old guard, and the kindest of the GB. Too bad he dedicated his long life for a mindless purpose. He could have made a wonderful "apostate", LOL.
Amazing how the JWs just dropped the 1935 doctrine to allow for younger GB's and hardly anyone noticed. Now only Guy Pierce was born before 1935. Of course he must be anointed, since when da judge asked the audience who were members of the great multitude to stand, Guy wasn't among them, as he was sleeping in his mother's lap, after gorging himself at her breast.
there's a wide cross section of thinkers on this board, representing christian belief and non-belief and points in between, the agnostics.
there is most definitely a minority, mostly silent, of devoted jehovah's witnesses present, too, but their contribution to the dialogue and dynamic of the board is minimal.
that small minority aside, it can be said the people who venture into here to communicate with one another share a common paradigm, and that is the watchtower is built on a foundation of clay.
Nick, have you watched my video series showing that many key beliefs of the JW's don't even appear in the Bible?
It's a very simple premise, such as:
N: So you say that you believe in a paradise earth?
N's wife: Yes honey, we do.
N: Can you show me where that phrase appears in the Bible?
NW: Of course honey. Let me get my reasoning book out.... [starts looking for "paradise"]
N: No hon, just show me in the Bible where the phrase "paradise earth" or even a verse where "paradise" appears with "earth".
NW: [shows various scriptures, none has the phrase]
N: So you're telling me that you believe in a paradise earth, yet the phrase doesn't appear in the Bible at all. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
I've got a number of videos up that will provide tools to think. Check them out at
"forget what we use to tell you was true; .
we just changed it and now it is true .
(unless we change it again.
"Can I count my time while wearing this?"
another thread got me to thinking..something i do once in a while .
what if no one believed in a god .
what do you think the world would be like?.
Do you get your morality from the Bible God?
If so, do you think?
If you somehow feel that these things are wrong, you didn't get that feeling from God or the Bible. You probably got it from the same place I got my atheistic morals.